🌿 The 100 Plants Experiment CLICK HERE for details🌿
In part 2 of the toxins and natural detoxification series we focus on food.
Discover how nourishing your body with the right foods and nutrients, can enhance its natural detoxification process and restore your energy and vitality.
Published: 13/09/2024
You might wonder why you’re doing everything "right" but still feel like something's “wrong”. What if I told you that hidden toxins in your environment, and even within your body, might be playing a bigger role in your fatigue and burnout than you realise?
Published: 23/08/2024
(and what you can do about them)
Stress isn't only caused by major life events, work pressure or money worries.
In this blog I uncover some of the numerous sources of stress that you may encounter on a daily basis.
You may find some of these surprising...
Published: 05/04/2024
Your thoughts are powerful things that can have a positive or negative impact on both your physical and mental health. They can be a huge source of stress and contribute to low energy, overwhelm, anxiety and many other symptoms. It’s not all bad news though
Published: 28/03/2024
As a modern woman you’ve learned how to look like superwoman, juggling multiple responsibilities while gracefully navigating the ever-increasing demands of life. On the surface you appear swan-like, graceful and calm but underneath...
Published: 21/07/2023
Restore Your Inner Calm
Learn 5 simple ways to restore your inner calm and reduce the impact of stress in your life so that you can create positive change.
Published: 19/05/2023
Would you love to look and feel a decade younger? Discover how to reduce oxidative stress, slow down the signs of ageing and feel fabulous at any age by increasing your antioxidant intake.
Published: 12/05/2023
Three practical tips to help you prioritise sleep for better work-life balance and take the first steps towards making your sleep more restful.
Published: 20/04/2023
The narrative around ageing is often all doom and gloom and fills many people with dread, but age is just a number.
You can feel fabulous, enjoy vibrant health and live more joyfully whatever your age.
Published: 31/03/2023
Based in Northamptonshire. Supporting clients across the UK and Europe.