Your Vibrant Health Transformation awaits

Does this sound familiar...

You're a busy successful woman but you feel like you're living life on autopilot, and worried you may be on the road to burnout

You often feel frazzled and fatigued and wonder if there's a way off the hamster wheel

Your health is holding you back from achieving all you want in life and you can't see the way forward

Feeling exhausted, anxious, overwhelmed and/or in pain (and maybe with dodgy digestion) is getting in the way of your success

You feel like your body/hormones are out of control and you don't know where the old you has gone

Let's work together to TRANSFORM your health and find your perfect path to the vibrant health and fulfilled life that you deserve.

What if things could be different?

What if you didn’t feel so irritable at the end of the day and your relationships felt more loving and joyful as a result?

Imagine how much happier you, and your family, could be if you felt calm, centered and content when you're with them, instead of frustrated, fraught and fatigued.

What if you didn’t hold yourself back because you knew you had the energy, clarity and motivation to achieve more?

Imagine being able to confidently tender for new contracts, accept new clients, or apply for a promotion with excitement as you feel ready to expand into the leader you are.

What if you felt excited about every new day because your dreams, hopes and ambitions felt so much more achievable?

Imagine waking each day full of energy and optimism, looking forward to the day ahead and knowing that your health won't stop you achieving anything you desire.

Would you love...

• More love, joy and happiness?

• More quality time with the people you love?

• More energy, focus & motivation?

• More ease and less effort?

• To feel more in love with life?

These are all the kinds of results that Vibrant Health Transformation clients enjoy after we’ve worked together.

As a successful and ambitious woman, there’s often so much to juggle and you may be just a tiny bit (or maybe even a lot) guilty of putting your own needs last and making sure everyone else and everything else take priority.

Life is demanding, there's no denying that, but everything feels so much easier when you put your health first!

Imagine waking full of energy, breezing through your day, having fun with your family after work and enjoying quality time with friends or loved ones before climbing happily into bed and sleeping soundly.

When your priority is vibrant health you'll be more focused, motivated and productive during your working day. You won't need to work 'all the hours' and instead will have the freedom and energy to do more of the things that make you happy.

You'll feel healthier, have more balanced hormones, enjoy better quality sleep & boosted energy levels and feel clearer and more focused. What’s even better still is that by getting these results you’ll notice the knock-on effect in lots of other ways.

You’re not alone…

I understand your pressures, priorities and struggles, I've been there too (and embarassingly, not just once!) but together we’ll cut through the overwhelm and make health and wellness not only a high priority for you, but one that feels effortless.

I'm here for you! My wish for you is that you live your most vibrant and healthy life and when you work with me I aim to share with you all of the resources, inspiration and support you need to do exactly that.

Many of my clients say they look and feel better than they have in years, they enjoy a boost in confidence and a new joy for life too.

Feel empowered

The D.R.E.A.M.S. framework empowers you to take control of your health and create your own vibrant health tool kit.

With a health-first mindset and healthier habits you'll enjoy increased focus, energy and vitality so you can really live life to its fullest.

Fully supported

Not only will you receive a wealth of information, ideas and inspiration, you’ll be fully supported and encouraged every step of the way.

Ensuring you feel confident to take action to move you closer to achieving your health and wellbeing dreams.

Simple & straightforward

You don't need a science degree to understand the advice and more importantly you won't need to spend hours implementing radical changes.

You'll discover simple solutions that fit in with your life and make creating a new healthier lifestyle feel effortless.

Uniquely for you!

This isn't a pre-prepared program that you learn and follow. If you're looking for a step by step guide with done for you meal plans and protocols this may not be the right option for you.

Please get in touch for a chat so we can see if it's a good fit for you.

When we work together, you'll be putting self-nurturing at the top of your to-do list and working with your body, not against it. You'll learn how to tap into your body's innate healing potential and find the perfect way to nourish and nurture your body, mind and soul, for life.

Whilst we'll absolutely take a deep dive into the six pillars of vibrant health that make up my Vibrantly Healthy D.R.E.A.M.S. Framework, all advice and guidance will be focused on you and your personal health and lifestyle dreams. We’ll work together to introduce the unique combination of changes that will guide your transformation.

Previous clients have said:

“Clare's help transformed my life within one month when I was recovering from burnout and I went on to have my most successful year in business. I was able to take on a big contract knowing my health wouldn't hold me back.

I highly recommend Clare if you need some support to help you to thrive.

Health is wealth!"

“My work with Clare has encouraged me to pause, to reflect, to self-nurture and to focus on my own energy in order to be able to give my best self to my clients.

I have now also joined Vibrantly Healthy Membership which is a beautifully uplifting and safe community, that I love being part of.”

“Clare is a fount of information about nutrition.

Once she has listened to a client’s needs, she responds insightfully, and gently and with love.

She is a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend her work."

Here’s what's included:


Monthly coaching calls

One 60 minute coaching consultation plus a 30 minute check call in each month.


VIP portal access

Access to your own VIP client portal with everything you need right at your fingertips.


Email support

Monday to Friday office hours email support so you can ask questions when you need to.

It's good to talk!

3, 6 and 12 month Transform Coaching Packages are available.

Before you make a decision it's important that we find out if we're a good fit.

Please click the button below to schedule your no-obligation, 30 minute discovery call so that we can chat about how I can support you.


I'm not sure this is right for me, can we have a chat before I decide?

Yes, we can!

Click here to schedule a complimentary 30 minute discovery call and we can have a chat and see if this is a good fit for you.

Can you support someone who has very little time to make big changes?

Yes, definitely! The vibrantly healthy approach is based on making a series of small changes which are perfect for even the busiest of people.

I developed this approach during my own health ‘crisis’ which came at one of the busiest times in my career so I absolutely had to find a way to support my health in a way that would fit in with my busy life.

Do you work with people who feel generally 'well' and want to stay well?


You don’t need to wait until you start to experience health issues to want to feel more empowered when it comes to health and wellness.

In fact, by putting your health first you have the power to prevent issues from occurring.

Can I still get support after my Vibrant Health Transformation Package has ended so I stay on track?

Yes you can! We can continue our journey together for as long as you need with either regular coaching sessions or an occasional Wellness Boost when you need one.

© Copyright 2024 The Vibrant Health Coach / Vibrantly Healthy