Women's Wellness Retreat Day

A day of self-nurturing where we'll explore mindful movement, nutrition, and more, to support women's wellness at all stages of life.

Gift yourself the time and space to put YOU first so that you'll feel fabulous. Attending our gorgeous Women's Wellness Retreat Day will put a natural spring in your step.

When: Friday 27th September

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Where: Waddesdon Village Hall

Tickets: £125 per person

(or £240 for 2 when booked together)

Group bookings also available see FAQ below

There are a limited number of tickets available for this very special experience so please click the button to secure yours now and avoid disappointment.

If buying Thrive & Shine as a gift please reply to the confirmation email to let us know who the gift is for and we’ll send you a personalised gift voucher.

Does this sound like you…

Are you fed up of feeling fatigued and foggy?

You struggle to stay calm & centred with so much to do.

You crave comfort foods and cave at the mention of cake.

You constantly feel you have too much to do and too little energy.

Overwhelm has become your default and you'd love to feel more in control.

What if it things could be different?

With a to-do list that’s longer than your arm, staying on top of everything, and keeping everyone in your life happy, can feel like an impossible and exhausting juggling act, leaving you little, or no, time for yourself.

But when self-care and self-nurturing are your top priorities, everything else feels so much easier to manage and you may even find you have energy left over for the fun stuff too!

Would you love to feel calm and centred instead of overwhelmed?

✨ Discover how to tune in to what your body needs so you can feel relaxed and enjoy life to the max ✨

Would you love to feel full of energy instead of fatigued?

✨ Learn what your body needs to thrive and how easy it can be to feel energised and revitalised ✨

Would you love to look and feel, fabulous as we move through the year?

✨ Jo and Clare will help you to see yourself in a different light so that you understand how truly fabulous you are ✨


If you’re finding yourself nodding along, you’re not alone…

Would you love to find your centre and enjoy freedom from overwhelm, fatigue and food shame?

When self-care and self-nurturing are your top priorities everything else feels so much easier.

Join us to discover simple solutions to help you thrive!

Here’s an example of what you might enjoy on the day:

The format of the day will be slightly different as each event is unique,

but this example will give you a good idea of how wonderfully nurturing the day will be ♥

Introduction to day

Although we officially start at 10am, we invite you to arrive from 9:45 to allow yourself time to get settled in.

Give yourself the gift of those extra few minutes to enjoy a cuppa and let go of the busy-ness of the morning.

An opportunity to meet and mingle before we start.

Hormones: Health, Happiness, Harmony

Clare & Jo will share a brief insight into how your hormones impact your health, happiness and success. You’ll discover how you can work with the natural rhythm of your hormones to live a happier and more harmonious life along with some simple steps that you can easily implement for positive change.

Mindful Meditation

Enjoy a beautiful, mindful meditation to deepen your connection to your miraculous body as you prepare to create your wellness goals. Mindfulness has benefits for mind, body and soul and also offers an opportunity to unplug from the busy-ness of everyday life and support you in navigating life's demands.

Goals & Intention Setting

In this session we will be asking you to consider your goals not only for our time together but also for the weeks and months ahead.

By getting crystal clear about what you'd love to achieve and setting healthy intentions, you'll more easily move towards your health and wellness goals and the happy and joyful life you deserve.

Dance Fitness Fusion

Our Dance fitness fusion session will be the perfect pitch of energy, joy, grace, fun and flair that you might think of when you watch on strictly. Perfectly designed to give real, measurable fitness benefits to all abilities and you don't need a partner. You will have so much fun you won't even realise you are getting fit!

Eat To Thrive

Clare will share her 'Eat To Thrive' philosophy and we'll learn why this new way of thinking about eating can unlock the secrets to a healthier digestive system, increased energy, and joy for life.

We'll explore the connection between food and hormones and discuss how a more mindful approach to eating supports women's wellness.

Brain Fit Workout

Our Brain Fit Workout is a stress reducing, positive workout utilising movement, music and meditation with powerful affirmations.

We know that stress is the major culprit in the onset of health problems and diseases. It’s also the reason many people are unable to lose weight especially around the midsection.

Negative thought patterns and self talk affects the whole body chemistry so we help retrain the inner voice using powerful affirmations …fusing beautiful mind, body and spirit.

Healthy plant-based lunch

Enjoy a homemade, picnic style, plant-based lunch whilst continuing the conversation from the morning sessions.

Enjoy eating mindfully and connecting with your food and your dining companions.

Copies of some of the recipes, created by Clare, will be available for you to take home so you can recreate them any time you choose.

Positive Pilates

Marrying powerful Pilates movements to translate affirmations into actions in order to help manifest our intentions.

Closing meditation

We will end the day with a focus on integrating our goals and intentions with kindness and self-compassion.

Reflection & Questions

An opportunity to reflect on the learnings from the day, ask questions and share any takeaways with the group (optional).

It's going to be fabulous, but don't just take our word for it ;)

"Great to meet with a super bunch of ladies and spend a whole day with them. I enjoyed the day immensely but for me it’s really made me realise that I should make more time just for me rather than trying, sometimes (or often maybe) unsuccessfully, juggling my life for others! ❤️"

— Lindsey

“I left the day with some self realisation... little things that clicked.

I'm not a failure if I have a bad day.

I need to appreciate what I can do, not focus on what I can't.

I'm a human being, not a human doing."

— Emma B

“I really enjoyed the Thrive and Shine day. It was so good to spend time with like minded women. I came away feeling revitalised, positive and very determined to reach my goals. I will be attending the mini-retreat in November as I am sure that Jo and Clare have so much more to share.”

— Mary D

Meet your hosts

Jo Beardsmore-Dilks

Jo is a curious, creative and mindful fitness professional who inspires women to reject the hamster wheel of fad dieting and exercise and find a happier, healthier and more centered way to live life through realistic and balanced nutrition and strength training, surrounded by an inspiring community of amazing mid-life ladies on a similar journey.

Jo facilitates improvements to body strength and mobility in a realistic, kind and mindful way, enabling motivated individuals to get the results they want through a combination of expert guidance, energetic classes and (sometimes!) tough love.

Clare Crouch

After a close call with burnout and being diagnosed with a chronic health condition almost 2 decades ago, Clare turned her health around.

Now, as a holistic health & nutrition coach Clare uses her 20 years of nutrition and wellness experience to support other high-achieving, ambitious and busy women who realise that their success is coming at the expense of their health and it's time to put themselves first.

Clare helps you learn how to nourish and nurture your body, mind and soul to avoid burnout and create the vibrant health that will support your continued success.


What should I wear?

Comfortable clothing is ideal as we will be enjoying some fun, danced based movement.

We won't be getting all hot and sweaty so there'll be no need to change after the exercise session.

Layering is recommended as you may feel warmer and coolers during, and inbetween, the different sessions.

Do I need to bring anything?

There's special no equipment required for the day.

However, we do recommend bringing a blanket or warm layer, as well as a small cushion, for your comfort and to increase the cosiness factor.

You may also wish to bring a water bottle to keep by you during the class.

Can I bring a friend / make a group booking?

ABSOLUTELY! and you'll receive a discount too ✨

If you have a friend (or three) who would love to attend why not combine your ticket purchase and you'll receive a group discount as a thank you.

2 tickets £240 - available via the checkout (click here to purchase now)

Please contact Clare clare@vibrantlyhealthy.co.uk or Jo joanna.beardsmore-dilks@outlook.com direct if you would like to purchase a tickets for 3 or more people. 3 tickets £350, 4 tickets £435, for larger groups bigger savings may be available.

Group discounts apply for multiple tickets purchased together in a single transaction.

Is there onsite parking?

Yes, there is parking at the venue.

Is food provided?

Yes, a plant-based and gluten-free lunch will be provided.

If you have any other dietary requirements please let us know so that we can accommodate you.

Water and herbal teas, as well as fresh fruit and nuts, will also be available throughout the day.

I live too far away can I join online?

This event is live, in person BUT we are planning to offer a virtual experience soon.

If this would be of interest, please CLICK HERE to join our waitlist and be the first find out when the details are available ✨

I have a health or mobility challenge and wonder if the retreat is right for me

We've included a variety of different sessions which are suitable for most people but we do realise that this isn't always the case.

If you're worried about whether a health or mobility challenge would prevent you from enjoying the day, let's talk.

We're always happy to discuss how we can adapt sessions to be more inclusive wherever possible and we'd love to chat with you to ensure you feel confident that you will get maximum benefit from the day.

Please drop Clare clare@vibrantlyhealthy.co.uk or Jo joanna.beardsmore-dilks@outlook.com an email to arrange a phone call.

I have a question that isn't answered here.

Our priority is your enjoyment of the retreat experience and we'd love you to feel as relaxed as possible before the event. We definitely don't want you to be stressing over a niggling question, so we welcome any questions you might have.

Please drop Clare clare@vibrantlyhealthy.co.uk or Jo joanna.beardsmore-dilks@outlook.com an email to ask any other questions you might have.

© Copyright 2024 Vibrantly Healthy / The Vibrant Health Coach